Peptic Ulcer
There is salt acid in the stomach, when it exceeds the limit, this acid eats away at the walls of the stomach and ulcers are formed there. This ulcer is called Gastric ulcer and if present in first part of small intestine is called duodenal ulcer. Both are called peptic ulcer.
Business people restless, Alcoholics, Smoking, Immoderates in diet especially spicy foods and hot chili spices and strong liquors weaken the stomach cells. So that the acid eats away at them thus consumption of more sour and bitter things. Also increases acidity and causes ulcers.
The onset of the disease begins with Stomach irritation, then this irritation becomes painful. Ulcer pain is localized. Indigestion is a characteristic of ulcer patients. Weight loss is common due to ulcers. Nausea is common. Vomiting starts, if the ulcer increases, nothing stays in the stomach, but comes out in the form of vomit.
Nutritional Treatment:
Olive oil, if used on an empty stomach, Heals intestinal and stomach ulcers. Use barley porridge with honey for breakfast. Use pumpkin curry cooked in desi ghee. Add a spoonful of honey to a cup of water and use it on an empty stomach.
Herbal Treatment:
Kalonji 50g
Barg mehndi 10g
Ilaichi Khurd 5g
Kashneez 10g
Kasni 10g
Methi 5g
Qust Shireen 10g
Saunf 10g
Masri 50g
Make a powder of all ingredients.
1/2 teaspoon twice a day after meal with water.
Saunf 20g
Ilaichi Khurd 20g
Soda bicarb 10g
Mulethi 20g
Kashneez 10g
sat Podina 1g
Sugar 200g
Make a powder of all ingredients.
1/2 teaspoon twice a day after meal with water or Arq e Kasni.
Avoid Tea, Red Peper, Meat, Bottles, Smoking, Alcohol, Spicy and fast foods.