Unab Syrup – Sherbat Unab


 ” Syrup is a concentrated solution of sugar in water or other aqueous solution “


Common Name     Botanical Name         Weight

Unab                               Ziziphus                              100g

Sandal Safed                   Santalum album                 10g

 Gul e Nelofar                 Nymphaea alba                20g


First of all, you should clean and remove of any dust of particle.

All medicines should be sieve.

Soak the drugs in 5 times in water.

Take Medicine for 5 hours in water to keep mix it. 

Boil the water and medicine according to the requirements which you desire. 

Half of water remain then the fire off.

Then all the medicine filter to take separate both water and medicine.

Then waste the medicine metrical which is used in water.

Add the sugar according to syllabus which you need.

Boil it up to the level of required viscosity.


Sodium benzoate         1grm.

Citric acid                    1grm.

Benzoic acid                1grm.


Blood Purifier

Glowing Skin

Rich in Vitamin C

Cures Cough and Flu

Dry skin Itching

Maintain healthy skin


Mix 2-3 tablespoon in a cup of water and drink twice a day.

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